8 Ways To Attract Luck and Wealth In 2022

Do you want an amazing 2022 full of lucky opportunities, wins, wealth and happiness? Yes? Then this is for you.
The law of attraction is real and it can be harnessed in your favor.
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There's no denying random luck exists but I believe you make your own luck too.
Here are 8 ways you can attract luck and good fortune in 2022:
1. Upgrade your money mindset
What are your money beliefs? Do you believe money is bad or evil? Stop blocking wealth and start believing you're worth it and more. Money is good and start thinking of all the positive things you can do with it. You deserve it so claim it.
2. Practise Active Patience
Rome wasn't built in a day. In fact it was built brick by brick by over 70 Roman emperors. Decide what you want and actively work towards your goal while being patient. Patience is not passive, it is active.
3. Good health is healthy wealth
You cant go after what you want if you're not up to it. A balanced and energized mind is going to help you spot the opportunities, be clear-minded and keep positive. Healthy people are confident and money magnets. Get healthy today - mind, body and spirit.
4. Think positive
Positive people are lucky people. They have the ability to see solutions and opportunities where negative people can't. And what you think you become so start thinking positive because what's the alternative? Nothing good comes out of being negative.
5. Say yes
Lucky people put themselves in situations where they know they might meet someone or see an opportunity so start saying yes to everything! Be everywhere and you never know what might happen.
6. Visualize
If you can imagine it, you can have it. Start visualizing all the luck and wealth in the world being attracted to you just like a magnet. The law of attraction is simple - stop thinking of all the things you don't want and start thinking about what you do want. What you seek is seeking is you.
7. Know what you want
If a wealthy 2022 is what you're after it's time to get specific. Write down your goals and the steps to achieve them. How much do you want in the bank? Promotion? Income? Revenue? Write it all down and go after it.
8. Forgive and Forget
Lucky people never contaminate the universe with negative energy. The evil eye exists so be careful what energy you put out there. Forgive everyone who did you wrong and wish them well. Removing blocks releases and opens yourself so lady luck can make room for abundance and wealth.
Have an amazing 2022!