What is Lucky Girl Syndrome and how can you get it?

Lucky Girl Syndrome - the condition every girl wants to catch!
You have probably heard of the term of 'Lucky Girl Syndrome' and wondered what exactly is it?
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The term became popular on TikTok and started trending with Influencers.
TikToker's would share their experience of believing they were lucky and getting exactly what they want!
The trend and hashtag #luckygirlsyndrome took off on social media and of course there was the song by Carlina 'Lucky Girl' that perfectly accompanies all those lucky moments.
The lucky girl syndrome phenomenon is more than just an affirming 'I'm lucky' but rather a vibe, trend and a state of mind.
Science backs this belief as well. The more you think you are lucky and believe good things are coming your way - the more they will!
This is probably the only syndrome you want to catch! So here's how you can have get the Lucky Girl Syndrome too!
- The syndrome always crosses borders and intermingles as lucky girls put themselves out there and get out of their comfort zones.
- They spread the syndrome and watch it grow knowing that spreading all the luck they can it will come back to them twofold.
- They let the syndrome take over their life! Lucky vibes pulsate through every cell of the lucky girl.
- The syndrome always invades the mind. The lucky girl always focuses on the positive never the negative.
- The lucky girl knows her words are powerful. Delirious affirmations sporadically come to her and she repeats as necessary.
The lucky girl syndrome is a positive movement for rewiring ones mindset for good luck! If there is a syndrome or illness you would want to get, it would be the Lucky Girl Syndrome! Catch it now.